• افزونه تبدیل عدد به حروف در اکسل

    افزونه تبدیل عدد به حروف در اکسل
    این پست شامل فایل دانلود می باشد مشاهده

    با افزونه پیوست شما میتوانید اعداد را در اکسل بحروف نمایش دهید.

    Sub sumit()
        Dim mainWorkBook
        Set mainWorkBook = ActiveWorkbook
        intRows = mainWorkBook.Sheets("Main").UsedRange.Rows.Count
        'MsgBox intRows
        For i = 1 To intRows
        intValue = mainWorkBook.Sheets("Main").Range("A" & i)
           If intValue <> "" Then
                mainWorkBook.Sheets("Main").Range("B" & i) = d2a(intValue)
           End If
    End Sub
    Function d2a(strNumber)

        blnDecimalExist = False
        strNumber = CStr(strNumber)
        If InStr(1, strNumber, ".", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
            arrSplit = Split(strNumber, ".")
            strNumber = arrSplit(0)
            strDecimal = arrSplit(1)
            If Len(strDecimal) > 2 Then
                strDecimal = Mid(strDecimal, 0, 2)
            End If
            If Len(strDecimal) > 0 And Len(strDecimal) < 2 Then
                strDecimalConversion = FnGetUnitDigit(strDecimal)
            End If
            If Len(strDecimal) > 1 And Len(strDecimal) < 3 Then
                strDecimalConversion = FnGetTensDigit(strDecimal)
            End If
            blnDecimalExist = True
        End If
        If Len(strNumber) > 0 And Len(strNumber) < 2 Then
            strTextConversion = FnGetUnitDigit(strNumber)
        End If
        If Len(strNumber) > 1 And Len(strNumber) < 3 Then
            strTextConversion = FnGetTensDigit(strNumber)
        End If
        If Len(strNumber) > 2 And Len(strNumber) < 4 Then
            strTextConversion = FnGetHundreds(strNumber)
        End If
        If Len(strNumber) > 3 And Len(strNumber) < 6 Then
            If Len(strNumber) = 4 Then
                strTextConversion = FnGetThousandsOne(strNumber)
            End If
            If Len(strNumber) = 5 Then
                strTextConversion = FnGetThousandsTwo(strNumber)
            End If
        End If
         If Len(strNumber) > 5 And Len(strNumber) < 8 Then
           If Len(strNumber) = 6 Then
                strTextConversion = FnGetLacsOne(strNumber)
            End If
            If Len(strNumber) = 7 Then
                strTextConversion = FnGetLacsTwo(strNumber)
            End If
        End If
        If Len(strNumber) > 7 And Len(strNumber) < 15 Then
           If Len(strNumber) = 8 Then
                strTextConversion = FnGetCroreOne(strNumber)
            End If
            If Len(strNumber) = 9 Then
                strTextConversion = FnGetCroreTwo(strNumber)
            End If
            If Len(strNumber) = 10 Then
                strTextConversion = FnGetCroreThree(strNumber)
            End If
            If Len(strNumber) = 11 Then
                strTextConversion = FnGetCroreFour(strNumber)
            End If
            If Len(strNumber) = 12 Then
                strTextConversion = FnGetCroreFive(strNumber)
            End If
            If Len(strNumber) = 13 Then
                strTextConversion = FnGetCroreSix(strNumber)
            End If
            If Len(strNumber) = 14 Then
                strTextConversion = FnGetCroreSeven(strNumber)
            End If
        End If
        If blnDecimalExist Then
            strTextConversion = "ریال " & strTextConversion & " و " & strDecimalConversion & " ***"
            strTextConversion = "ریال " & strTextConversion
        End If
        FnConvert = strTextConversion
    End Function
    Function FnGetCroreSeven(intN)
        Dim Str
        'temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 3))
        'If temp <> "" Then
            Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Left(intN, 7)) & " بیلیارد " & FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 7))
         '   Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 3))
        'End If
        FnGetCroreSeven = Str
    End Function

    Function FnGetCroreSix(intN)
        Dim Str
        'temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 3))
        'If temp <> "" Then
            Str = FnGetLacsOne(Left(intN, 6)) & " بیلیارد " & FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 6))
         '   Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 3))
        'End If
        FnGetCroreSix = Str
    End Function

    Function FnGetCroreFive(intN)
        Dim Str
        'temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 3))
        'If temp <> "" Then
            Str = FnGetThousandsTwo(Left(intN, 5)) & " بیلیارد " & FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 5))
         '   Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 3))
        'End If
        FnGetCroreFive = Str
    End Function

    Function FnGetCroreFour(intN)
        Dim Str
        'temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 3))
        'If temp <> "" Then
            Str = FnGetThousandsOne(Left(intN, 4)) & " بیلیارد " & FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 4))
         '   Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 3))
        'End If
        FnGetCroreFour = Str
    End Function

    Function FnGetCroreThree(intN)
        Dim Str
        'temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 3))
        'If temp <> "" Then
            Str = FnGetHundreds(Left(intN, 3)) & " بیلیارد " & FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 3))
         '   Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 3))
        'End If
        FnGetCroreThree = Str
    End Function

    Function FnGetCroreTwo(intN)
        Dim Str
        temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 2))
        If temp <> "" Then
            Str = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 2)) & " بیلیارد " & FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 2))
            Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 2))
        End If
        FnGetCroreTwo = Str
    End Function

    Function FnGetCroreOne(intN)
        Dim Str
        temp = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1))
        If temp <> "" Then
            Str = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1)) & " بیلیون " & FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
            Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
        End If
         FnGetCroreOne = Str
    End Function
    Function FnGetLacsTwo(intN)
        Dim Str
        temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 2))
        If temp <> "" Then
            Str = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 2)) & " میلیارد " & FnGetThousandsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 2))
            Str = FnGetThousandsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 2))
        End If
        FnGetLacsTwo = Str
    End Function
    Function FnGetLacsOne(intN)
        Dim Str
         'Str = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1)) & " میلیون " & FnGetThousandsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
        temp = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1))
        If temp <> "" Then
            Str = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1)) & " میلیون " & FnGetThousandsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
            Str = FnGetThousandsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
        End If
         FnGetLacsOne = Str
    End Function
    Function FnGetThousandsTwo(intN)
        Dim Str
        'Str = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 2)) & " هزار " & FnGetHundreds(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 2))
        temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 2))
        If temp <> "" Then
            Str = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 2)) & " هزار " & FnGetHundreds(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 2))
            Str = FnGetHundreds(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 2))
        End If
        FnGetThousandsTwo = Str
    End Function
    Function FnGetThousandsOne(intN)
        Dim Str
        'Str = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1)) & " هزار " & FnGetHundreds(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
        temp = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1))
        If temp <> "" Then
            Str = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1)) & " هزار " & FnGetHundreds(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
            Str = FnGetHundreds(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
        End If
        FnGetThousandsOne = Str
    End Function
    Function FnGetHundreds(intN)
        Dim Str
        temp = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1))
        If temp <> "" Then
            Str = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1)) & " صد " & FnGetTensDigit(Right(intN, 2))
            Str = FnGetTensDigit(Right(intN, 2))
        End If
        FnGetHundreds = Trim(Str)
    End Function
    Function FnGetTensDigit(intN)
        Dim Str
        If Left(intN, 1) = 1 Then
           Select Case Val(intN)
                Case 10: Str = "دو"
                Case 11: Str = "یازده"
                Case 12: Str = "دوازده"
                Case 13: Str = "سیزده"
                Case 14: Str = "چهارده"
                Case 15: Str = "پانزده"
                Case 16: Str = "شانزده"
                Case 17: Str = "هفده"
                Case 18: Str = "هجده"
                Case 19: Str = "نوزده"
            End Select
            Select Case Val(Left(intN, 1))
                Case 2: Str = "بیست"
                Case 3: Str = "سی"
                Case 4: Str = "چهل"
                Case 5: Str = "پنجاه"
                Case 6: Str = "شصت"
                Case 7: Str = "هفتاد"
                Case 8: Str = "هشتاد"
                Case 9: Str = "نود"
            End Select
            Str = Str & " " & FnGetUnitDigit(Right(intN, 1))
        End If
        FnGetTensDigit = Trim(Str)
    End Function
    Function FnGetUnitDigit(intN)

        Dim Str

        Select Case Val(intN)
            Case 1: Str = "یک"
            Case 2: Str = "دو"
            Case 3: Str = "سه"
            Case 4: Str = "چهار"
            Case 5: Str = "پنج"
            Case 6: Str = "شش"
            Case 7: Str = "هفت"
            Case 8: Str = "هشت"
            Case 9: Str = "نه"
        End Select
            FnGetUnitDigit = Trim(Str)
    End Function


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